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Fiery Storm
Book 3

One valkyrie's quest to overcome the dark forces keeping her from the vampire who captured her soul. 

Alone in the world, searching for the missing pieces of her life, and terrified of her strange abilities, Alexandria Svaldana seeks comfort in the tall, captivating stranger whose exotic blue eyes light her on fire, but when dark forces threaten their fragile bond, Alex must fight to break down the barriers around the vampire's heart and save them from the demons of the past to have a chance in hell of surviving their fiery storm.


Sebastian Moretti steers clear of relationships, preferring the Dom/sub scenario and complete control, but his lust for the fiery valkyrie severely tests his iron restraint, as does the sudden return of the monster Bastian hoped to never see again.



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This one I read in a day! Strange how much my eyebrows could go up with every new chapter! Exciting, sad, incredibly hot, revealing of their broken hearts that grew them even closer together. Alexandria is incredible, and Sebastian is yum! The story is fast paced and it will leave you flushed but eager for more. Can’t wait for the next one!!

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Next in the Storm Series

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