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A.R. Vagnetti ARC Team

Gemma's Fate (Immortal Breeders Book 1) Ebook Final.jpg

Upcoming ARC
"Gemma's Fate"
(Immortal Breeders Book 1)
March 2024

If you’re interested in becoming an ARC reviewer for A.R. Vagnetti's books, there are a few things you need to do:


  1. Subscribe to the A.R. Vagnetti mailing list using the form below. Being on the list is a requirement to receive ARCs.

  2. Create a Booksprout account in order to receive ARCs of A.R.’s books. I deliver ARCs via this website.

  3. Complete the ARC application. Take particular care with sharing the correct link to your review.

  4. Join the exclusive Facebook group for A.R. Vagnetti's Street Team. Read the guidelines and make sure you understand them.

  5. And always feel free to email A.R. if you have a question.


*By joining the ARC team and leaving advance reviews, you also agree to allow A.R. to pull quotes from your reviews for promotional purposes.

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