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About A.R. Vagnetti
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Introducing A.R. Vagnetti, the captivating American writer whose passion and talent are as scorching as the Tucson desert she grew up in. Immerse yourself in the spellbinding pages of her debut novel, Forgotten Storm, the thrilling first installment of her Award-Winning Storm Series, and a proud recipient of the prestigious Top 20 Best Indie Books of 2019 award.

But it's not just the arid landscapes that inspire her creativity. A.R. finds her writing prowess amplified while camping under starry skies, exploring new horizons on her travels, and seeking solace on the picturesque shores of Lake Huron, where she now finds respite from the relentless Arizona heat during summers.

Prepare to be transported into a world where paranormal romance reigns supreme, guided by A.R.'s masterful storytelling. In her tales, daring Alpha males defy all odds and valiantly sacrifice everything for the remarkable, kickass heroines with deep scars and indomitable strength.


Get ready to embark upon a breathtaking journey into a realm where love knows no bounds, and where A.R. Vagnetti's unparalleled imagination knows how to make your heart race and your imagination soar.

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